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Wednesday 29 September 2010

Content Analysis and Target Audience!

During class, we analysed the content of two very different magazines. These being NME and Top Of The Pops  This analysis consisted of finding out how many adverts were in the publication, what type of adverts were in the publication and also the amount of pages taken up by adverts, editorials, letter pages and full page articles. This was all conducted, to try and find out who the Target Audience was and how the magazines showed this through Demographics and Psychographics.

The first magazine I analysed was NME. This magazine, in context with the other magazine I analysed, Top Of The Pops, had a lot more substance and more reading involved. In terms of advertisements there was plenty to take from the publication. A full 47 advertisements were found from the front page to the back and these covered a range of topics such as gaming, music concerts, soundtracks and technology such as the iPad. These adverts covered, in total, around 7 pages of the magazine, about 3 full pages for music concerts and a 4 page spread for Halo Reach for Xbox.  Suprisingly however, there was no T.v listings and only gig guides. 

In terms of the actual topics of adverts itself, there was only 1 game advert, 6 music related adverts and 1 for the iPad. On the other hand, the more concrete features you find in almost every magazine was present in NME, however they were not in abundance. The editorial covered 2 pages, whereas the letter pages only covered half a page. The articles always covered a full page in which there were many.  The special features that were issued on the specific copy we analysed were the festival polls of Glastonbury and Reading and the free token for a free copy of the next issue, although these were limited, it shows a signal of intent of trying to bring in a certain type of audience. On my review of NME, I came to the conclusion that the Target Audience was of a more mature nature and anything between 15-40 as the nature of the articles and gimmicks are more than likely to be more appealing to this age group than to younger consumers.

The second publication I analysed was Top Of The Pops magazine and this was almost bare compared to NME. There were only 7 advertisements in total on the magazine and they had topics such as general healthcare, movies and music soundtracks. The special features in the magazine, in which there were more so than NME, such as stickers special interviews with JLS and Justin Bieber, also special prizes to win exclusive movie tickets. There was also no T.v listings and no small advertisements, hinting at maybe the audience this magazine is directed at. It was, statistically lacking in comparison to NME with no editorial column, 1 letter page and 6 full article pages.

Top Of The Pops magazine is very much fixated on the young female culture of today from ages between 8-13 which is a very powerful part of society. As the special features and gimmicks indicate that they are definitely looking to grab girls of this age to read their magazine, along with not much hard core articles unlike NME which would not interest girls of this age. In stark contrast, NME may be pushing towards a more male audience however many mature young women or women may read this as the genre of music it generally covers is listened to by the female public. The demographic scale of both these magazines are spread across the UK, with no specific area that the two magazines target, however there is areas of the country which uphold bigger influences of, for example, a rock or teenage girl culture.

Wednesday 22 September 2010


A brief note about me, My name is Laurence Cox and I have a very deep interest in music such as R'n'B, Garage and Mo-town music, however this fluctuates between the 3 predominantly. This is where my inspiration for my magazine production will come from. 

This blog will include a culmination AS-Level Media  of the coverage of my own music magazine production. It will also include the preliminary tasks and market research that I have produced through the weeks. This inclined with analysis and criticism of my work, I believe will help me to conduct this task efficiently.

The main objective in media this year is to design a brand new magazine, which targets the following audience:

A teen audience between 12 and 15 years old or
An older teens audience between the ages of 16-19.
Aimed at a UK magazine audience

The magazine is to be sold on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.

You will have to decide on:

  • A title
  • The genre(s) of your magazine
  • Its style and form
  • Magazine conventions-and comparisons to existing music magazine publications
  • Create a brand identity/use of logo
  • Its use of representation
  • The language of the magazine article 
  • Use of original and not found images
  • Is it a regional or national publication
  • Consider who is your target audience 
It is important that you have created an image for a new band/ artist. This artist/ band is whom you are promoting in your music magazine. The original images you are to take have to promote the image of your artist and the magazine article is promoting and publishing a new album/ single and the launch of the career of the musicians.

These two music videos of Common - The Light and Maxwell- Pretty Wings are the kind of inspiration that I am looking for in my project and the type of artist you are likely to see.