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Thursday 2 December 2010

Making Of Contents Page, Difficulties and strategies

In the making and thinking of the Contents page, I wanted to keep it very consistent with my Front page allowing the reader to not lose interest and keep cohesion. Again with Photoshop I created another A4 canvas, and almost seperated it into two different columns of the contents page. The right side as you can see had the main features of the publication, with them being the upcoming ones in the opening pages of the magazine, but I also allowed the reader into an insight on who or what they were going to read about with an image depicting a person aligned with the story. These images to, with another filter, were changed to keep the black and white context and to allow the text to really stand out such as 'NEW MATERIAL' along with the subsidiary text giving a brief insight. The column was created by creating many layers for the backdrop of the text, along with manipulating the photos and using the font 'IMPACT' to for namesake give an impact.

The second column had the heading 'Delve Deeper Inside..' Again with the included masthead to give the punch, although with a correlating grey fading into black background using the gradient overlay tool. This column was made by using the rectangle tool to create a layer over the near side of the canvas, then using the gradient overlay to keep the colours very consistent. Using the same font in which I believe keeps further cohesion and simplicity I added further features with again brief insights to allow the reader to chose whether they want to continue with the content or move on.

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