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Wednesday 3 November 2010

Analysis Of Preliminary Task

During the production of the Preliminary task which I had previously drawn up a flat plan to create this Front Cover. The idea of the image used as the back drop for the cover was to create the friendly and intimate environment made by Acland Burghley School as the shot is in the 6th Form Common room, in which is the main domain for students, this is used to get a very personal and up close view of the school as I intended the magazine to be fully viable by students only. Furthermore I wanted the magazine to represent the period in which it was to be issued, during the winter months and I feel I have done this proficiently.  

The winter feeling that I wanted to install into the magazine is shown through the colour scheme I chose to use, of a blue and very cold icy feeling with purple and pink also integrated. The Masthead I decided to use, also links to the youth of the school with 'Skool' as this points out to exactly who the target audience is. Also this coincides with the prolonged  'uurgghh' sound to relate to the shivering that winter brings.  The colour and font used on the Masthead is where you can instantly begin to create the cold theme as the font, which was downloaded off Dafont is very frosty like. This is followed by the blue and purple mix to create a very frozen and isolated looking text. The masthead was created by using a drop shadow, Outer glow, Satin and bevel.

Secondly, the strapline 'The Coolllddestt Magazine out there' again reflects the cold theme with the pun of 'coldest'. Also the colour of a blue interim and baby blue rim, creates the mood that is often reflected from winter. The image of the boy used, is pictured wearing a scarf to again extract the cold from the period of which the image was taken, thus fully installing the theme amongst the target audience. However the unfamiliar mirage that is created around the head of the boy, is to give a sense of pressure, which comes with A-levels and the magazine helps to sort these headaches out by giving exam tips. Lastly the red rhetorical question used to point out the boy also imitates the feeling of anxiety and stress during study periods, in which everybody duly feels.

The use of different fonts also shows a vibrant diversity throughout the school in which is sure to be shown in the magazine, and although the colours are mainly associated to males, in which the school is male dominated with a 3:1 ratio, the magazine is still viable and accessible by both genders. Also the features such as teacher gossip, exam tips and quizzes are all something that the average college student want to know but don't normally have a regular way to express or gain access to this.

The contents page was something I had reviewed a lot less than the front cover as I get the feeling that in present times, especially in short publications, people rather just flick furiously to the page and not fuss with all the confusion of detailed contents pages, so continuing the theme of the front cover it keeps a cold, blue and purple theme with the titles of the contents contained in a blue backing which can be depicted as them frozen and always are going to be included in the publication. 

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