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Sunday 7 November 2010

Flat Planning For Publication and Target Audience Profile.

In class, we had created this Target Audience Profile, using Photoshop, to convey and show our intentions on who our target audience will be during the creation of our Music publication. To complete this task, I used simple Photoshop skills to change the canvas and rotate it 90 degrees and manipulated layers by adding various different images to create a picture of who I want the publication to get a reaction from. The images ranging from Football to social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and Msn also the great representatives of the urban scene, out layed a clear intention on who my target audience was.

The reason for the social networking sites, was aimed at the amount of young people who use these sites to know about everyday life, and to show their ideas. Also young people aspiring to make it into the current music scene will look up to members such like Tupac and Alicia Keys. There is also a hint of fashion with the trainers and 1xtra the main radio station in which Mc's get to show their material. The font that I used to detail the Target Audience Profile also reflected the youthful exuberant feelings brought to the community.

The flat plan that I and the class had created, was to create a clearer picture on the details of the publications. My flat plan was simple but I wanted to note down exactly who I am  targeting, why I am and how I am going to do this. I made it very clear that the Genre is going to be of a UK base with R'n'B and UK Hip Hop involved. The layout of the magazine would be in correlation with the Genre along with colours to represent them. 

Secondly I created a purpose and Intentions heading in which I wanted to denote exactly what I am going to give in the publication, These were :
  • To allow new Artists to promote new material
  • To reveal background into the specific music genre's
  • To educate young people about the history and foundations of the urban scene.
This was also followed by identifying the gratifications that I wanted to fulfil, these were predominantly
  • Diversion - Allowing the readers to divert from every day pressure by getting insight
  • Surveillance - Introducing readers to new artists, and background info.
  • Personal Identity - Allowing readers who want to emulate stars a chance to create their identity. 
Finally I looked at the Demographics and Psychographics involved in the process. My publication is aimed strictly at the London and sub-urbian area with an audience of 15-25 with aspiring audiences of 11-15 and 25-30, the gender would be mainly male although with  female digressions. Psychographics were a bit more trickier, however I wanted to engage people to succeed and to aspire to become something great.

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