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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Masthead Creation and Analysis

During class we had come to the beginning of creating our publications, this was firstly done by drawing up 3 mastheads that we wanted to use, albeit with one maybe lacking in creativity. This was to finally pick out one that I felt would be right for the publication and to really convey the Target Audience and to make a point to the reader. To create these, once again I used Photoshop skills by manipulating layers and using blending options, however in comparison to other creations I had delved deeper into the realms of blending and using tools like gradient overlay and drop shadow.

The first masthead I created had a rather simplistic but yet subtly powerful look. The colours used of blue and pink are heavily integrated into the R'n'B scene, the colours also have a high amount of gender representation as the blue background hints at the male contingent which founded the genre although the pink hits out at the massive female talent of the R'n'B culture. The font used does not however really show a tint on the youthful impact on both genres as it seems very bold and hard hitting, it looks as if it would be more suited to a rock/punk more based publication. The Blue oval backdrop provides the main statement for male dominance of the two genres as it overshadows the pink.

For those reasons, in comparison with my second Masthead, it was already far down the pecking order. The second I created had a totally different aspect to it. The theme on this masthead was more based towards the UK and grime side of my publication as it instantly hits the youths who dominate the genre. The reasons I believe this is the perfect masthead for my publication are : 
  • The font that imitates somebody doing graffiti or tagging, Associated with grime
  • The colour of red, brown and black. Very affiliated with signature colours of artists
  • It is smooth and not complicated, very clear to denote from it
  • Practical
The creation of this particular masthead was not planned as much as the first one and was more taking individual thoughts and placing them together.

The third and final masthead I created is more challenging to the second as it competes with it in terms of design, typography although I believe it does not relate to the genres and does not attract the same kind of attention against the second. This masthead was a mix between the two preceding it as it has a similar type of colour scheme in the font, however the font is more urban, it does not hit the heights of my second as the colour of purple is more of a female colour, which is almost unheard of in the grime stage. 
However, the backdrop I believe does relate to both genres as it gives it the loving feeling that R'n'B brings and the positiveness of artists in the grime scene. 

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