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Monday 15 November 2010

Promotional Article Feedback.

For the upcoming publication of the music magazine we had to create a promotional feature article demonstrating persuasive writing skills and once again connecting with our target audience. In my article, the main feature of it was introducing and promoting an MC which has recently risen to prominence and given readers an insight into himself and his personality, but also a history into the Grime scene and his success to date.

The persuasive devices i decided to use mostly were statistics to really show the success and talent of the artist, this allows readers to understand about the underground success you can make before even becoming mainstream or making a renound name for yourself. Statistics such as 80,000 views from YouTube overnight and selling 20,000 records underground give the perfect backdrop for an artist coming from a very negatively stereotyped genre trying to come to light. Also relating back to similar artists which names are world wide now such as Tinchy Stryder, allows the reader to relate this new artist and create a vivid picture in their head, before listening to any of his new material. Furthermore the relation to these UK artists creates a brighter image for Grime as it has now produced many great names, with P Money looking to become one, mentioning these names adhears his material and name.

Secondly, The use of rhetorical questions that I have involved such as "Why is P Money getting a raucous of attention now?" gets the reader involved to ask themselves why the artist is and it stimulates the reader to put themselves into the artists shoes. Also getting references from other big UK names such as SB.TV where i claimed that he is the best that has featured on the channel upholds his growing presence in this article as it begins to grow on the reader, however despite the article mainly sticking to national success, it hints to international success very soon with the revealing of a new single coming out with an american artist and an album that is promising to go platinum. Also a short but powerful interview I also included to give the promotional piece a bit more of a personal feel so the reader can get to know the artist and see how real he was. The speech I used for the artist was very real and how an MC from London is likely to talk and this gives the realism of the words used and shows the reader of his genuine character, which sells him even more so.

The last paragraph of my article I believe is the most powerful and as I feel it had to reinforce his presence and sell him completely, if it hadn't already. The colloquialism of the paragraph firmly grips the reader as it sells what is to come from the artist, including the aforemented new single with B.o.B who has also recently shot into stardom, revealing that his track that I also promoted and analysed to give it professionalism and show his qualities, is going to be released on iTunes, the biggest downloading network. Furthermore to keep the realism installed and firmly instigate the articles target audience it again reveals that P Money is going to Wood Green in London to further promote his CD. To end off the article as powerfully I could, I used a variety of sentence structure. "Remember where you first recognised his face, his background and his face. Right here.

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